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Everything is possible

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My November energy update is live and in it, I mentioned that the energy of last month was very much that of newness. New opportunities, new people, new situations. With all this newness you might be feeling not just that anything is possible but that everything is possible.

Which sounds great and all but can everything really be possible all at the same time? The truth is that just because something is possible, it doesn’t mean that it’s in our best interest to pursue it. When we try to do everything – no matter how wonderful each of these things are – we end up overwhelmed and exhausted. And we probably drop half of the things we started.

That everything is possible is a joy. It’s part of the magic of life and living in alignment. But it’s also our job to ask ourselves:
– this is possible but is it a priority?
– is this in line with my purpose right now?
– do I have the time, energy and resources to dedicate to this?
– should I instead pass this opportunity on to someone else?
– is this a ‘yes, but later’ situation?

With this approach, we can appreciate that everything is possible while focusing our attention on what is most important and most nourishing for us and those around us 🥰

Last month, I embraced what was possible by finally becoming a DJ after years of talking about it!

If you’d like to listen to chill vibes and learn more about African spirituality, tune into my new radio show ‘Nsuo Ba (Water Baby)’ on Oroko Radio.

If you want to dance around your room like no one’s watching, you can listen to my mixes on Mixcloud.

If you want to book me for your event, I play Afro, funky, soulful and disco house 🕺🏾

As we approach the end of the year, my wish for you (and for me!) is that the universe continues to show us that everything is possible while guiding us to follow our unique paths.

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