This week on my Instagram I shared my views on the importance of safe spaces, and the damage caused by those spaces being violated. There were varying views on the idea of invading safe spaces being an act of terrorism 😅 but the sanctity of safe spaces for marginalised and oppressed people was not up for debate. When we are working on healing, an unsafe environment prevents us from making the same progress we would if we were able to feel fully present, fully vulnerable, fully supported. So what does this mean?
If you are doing healing work for yourself, be aware of your surroundings. The people, the physical environment, your mental state, your level of trust in any teacher or guide you might be working with – all these things will impact the progress you make.
If you are supporting others in healing, be aware of the space you are creating. Again, the people you invite into the space and the physical environment are important – but so is the language you use, your body language, and setting the scene to let people know what to expect.
If we want to promote healing, we must first create safety. Are there any changes you could make to help you feel safer when doing healing work?